Friday, October 12, 2007

What's Wears A Kidney Stone Or Laborer Returning ... "Coming?

A great deal, too! Too

do not write something here, and should in no circumstances do. Tarde, conditioned by events, and not too clear because of the time and be caused by jogging Friday and holiday. however, and I think that yes I can boast, or at least they can not catch me on the contrary, I am from the outside, and try to get inside, honest and consistent. Today the world, as might be often, but usually I'm not as deep or as analytical, I was disappointed.

not all. Some still there and I'm surprised some of his good will, but some other "world" or part thereof, is superficial, complacent, eager, ask whatdoes not, offer what does not ... exhibits what does not. That hurts, it hurts when I have expectations when I am deceived.

Hopefully better next time you write. This time around have been half-measures and half silly. I something in me, and I get something from anyone. When I used when someone physically. And Contrary to what I thought, emotionally and empathically not. I'm a dreamer, not a fool, but because I let delude. There are no women as before, which they perceived, and pursued further and can detect sensitivity. Now there is only stabilities hunters, hunting-rolls and (strong) game hunting powders or penises. Sorry

muchísmo. Much. & Nb


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