Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can Tazorac Bleach Tattoos Screenshots

With the release of the new PV and single of SCANDAL... I wanted to make some icons of Rina.
Yeah, I wanted to use some screenshots from the Pride PV, because she looks so cute in some parts!

I have the PV in HQ... but I tried and tried and never got a nice screenshot, all were in a very bad quality or blurred. Someone can help me? xD

I was a bit discouraged because I really wanted to do the icons... she is one of my favorite drummers, specially because Rina is a girl -lol- and we have the same age. Also remembers me when years ago I wanted to learn to play the drums.

And now, with my dear friends, we want to do a band... when I finish the university, I hope to take classes to mThat dream true
: 3

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Positions To Get A Brazillian No ana

r guts? Of course not! I'm not anorexic, I'm just a girl who fell a little quantity of food consumed. My breakfast is trancadísimo, so do not fuck. Lunch time I spend on things that really are worthwhile and food has become a requirement which does not feel the need.

water bottle, however, is my best friend. No, I'm not abusing the water either. I take it when absolutely necessary, when and really feel thirsty or acids in the stomach. The full only twice a day: Morning and noon. At night I drink water glass or what I have been. I will not die from too much water or lack of foodHTMLXC This is wonderful.
"How is Tania is finished," they say. And I smile slyly.
No, I'm not anorexic. Ana I chose, and my breakfast is enough to lockout as not.