Thursday, November 4, 2010

Unlock Combination Lock On Luggage La la land

Sometimes you feel all powerful. As if nothing could make dañoy had received a blessing from heaven to go through this life without all the problems and obstacles for those who complain of others. You feel the whores, the Lucky, who came into the world to succeed.
But one has to realize that it is not, and that rather than one would have been, at some point will have to stop and grieve, and mourn, and will have to get hurt and, especially, will need to decide. And that decision is the worst thing because then you can no longer blame anyone else. You lose your sense of security, and that affects us more than pocall dad and he thought it would be for the rest of my life. Nothing wanted to get after the epiphany, and I fear that this will become one of those European films in shouting CUT! and out the claims before it reaches the happy ending. No. I do not want that. I want my happy ending. I want to live in Hollywood.

But it stops, fails, fails, and I feel I can not stand


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