Saturday, February 7, 2009

How Do Gay Men Cruise Sisyphus did not have to pay anything in February

"I can not look, Mom! I'm allergic! "

very typical exaggeration when I'm in exam period. Over time more cash than a candy in the hands of a child to study anatomy, if the above statement were true I would go for the umpteenth and anaphylactic shock . Hives

I still have left (not counting the mosquito bites and that was surely something of that chocolate bar), but among the unmistakable symptoms that manifest as time separates us from an examination decreases and emy life where my biggest concern was time to get home to watch cartoons. Or going further: when I was over the ashtray fart that bike and all they did for me a placenta and umbilical cord.

Speaking of which ... What can I do to be more to fart that motorcycle ashtray whole heap of herbs anatomical fumarme time I have to record? Here is another symptom: categorical rejection at the mere sight of a copy or an atlas. We see those endless piles get discouraged, it is disheartening to know that all that you need and you're not going to finish on time.The rock of Sisyphus is a mucus next to it.

But as I continue to believe that I am a naive person and I have a chance, and at least having served in a little blog update (victim of a further delay because of my academic obligations), return it to me my readings anatomical onerous. It is as if the earth were to ignore me and swallow me just move the mariconeo bleeding from the ears of my cohabitants to a website.


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