Friday, December 10, 2010

Mobile Disk Driver Hd-338 Q10 Wink Up diciembre - News

Q1. What color is your comforter / quilt?

Yamapi: brown
Koyama: white
Ryo: ... ah blue, dark blue
Shige: brown
Massu : black
Tegoshi: white

Q2. What more if you hate your girlfriend did, that suddenly cancel the appointment or arrive late?
Yamapi: to cancel the appointment of repeatednte! Cancel the appointment of a sudden!
Koyama: to cancel the appointment of a sudden
Ryo: hate both [the baby nails]
Shige: would cancel the appointment of a sudden , right? [if you're not sure we less]
Massu: to cancel the appointment of a sudden
Tegoshi: to cancel the appointment of a sudden

Q3. What would you say you are better: Japan's history of world history?

CHMLXC Q5. The post that you would like a festival.
Yamapi: Sorry!
[that does not exist u_u]
Koyama: hot dogs Ryo: Yakisoba
Shige: Yakisoba
Massu: Yakisoba
Tegoshi: " the tirapichóno stuff? (I was a lot of these)

Q6. Are you one of those who cast salt or soy sauce in tamagoyaki (omelet of a lifetime but sugar?

[ouch! said the liver]
Koyama: soy sauce
Ryo: Dashi
[ "white or red? yellow, as the same]
Shige: Sal
Massu: both [other ...] Tegoshi:
or one or other [as hand that has mass] Q7. What kind of drops (eye drops) you like better, strong or soft?

and special drawing Tego: Sakurai Sho!

Tegoshi has drawn something like ... a very creative design. Umm ~ Drawing is like a primary school would be entitled "My Dad." What's the biggest problem is that the kanji for "Sho" is wrong. Let's say the picture is fine, but do not put the kanji wrong (laughs). Tegoshi
I went wrong the hair. Bring a shirtseta V-neck and vest * in Y. Today is about 70 points.
(In Japan is scored out of 100) Source: Kon-Kon desu


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